What Does One Big Movement Mean?

Single issues organizations focues on Social Justice, Ending Poverty, Conservation, Organized Labor, Animal Welfare, Economic Justice, Religilous, Good Government Groups & Every Group working for A More Just World need to work together to ensure gains and long term wins

What Steps Need To Be Taken

1. Organize: aims to empower to create positive social change. It involves building relationships, mobilizing resources, and advocating for change beyond just community needs and tackling larger issues. The ultimate goal is to create a unified voice, aligned on shared interests and working towards a shared goal.
2. Solidarity: is crucial for organizations working for change because it fosters a united front, amplifying their collective power by bridging differences, creating a shared sense of purpose, and enabling diverse groups to work together effectively towards systemic change, rather than acting in isolation; essentially, it allows for greater impact through collective action and mutual support.
3. Commitment: is a critical factor for organizations working for change because the road to victory is long and winding with set backs and even failures. Accepting failure is not an option and the work must continue no matter what.